Library of the Third Module
The third module of the “Tomorrows Lawyer” program has finished. Lawyers had to read a lot of professional literature to learn the skills of communication in the professional community. But we’ve brought you even more exciting material for long autumn evenings.
Even if you have not yet become a member of our program, but want to develop professionally, this materials will help you.
The materials have been selected by our experts and trainers, which means that they are extremely interesting and have practical benefits.
Instead of autumn spline, spend time with an exciting book!
Leadership and mentoring
Роберт Каллен «Адвокат як лідер: настанови для юридичної практики та лідерства»
Джон Коттер, Холгер Ратгебер «Наш айсберг тает или Как добиться результата в условиях изменений»
Роджер Фишер «Переговоры без поражений»
Professional development of a lawyer
Основні тенденції у розвитку професійної компетенції в Канаді
IBA International Principles on Social Media Conduct ENG
Peter Kövec «Handyman or professional Representation by advocates in courts»
Independence of lawyer and justice
Андрій Костін «Порозумітися заради майбутнього. Майбутнє адвокатури»
Модельні правила незалежності та взаємовідносин адвоката
Steven Richman «The Burden of Sіsyphus Bar Associations of Member Engagement»
Video materials
Lecture of Aviva Rothenberg about the experience of lawyers in Canada
Lecture of Rytis Jokubauskas about the experience of Lithuania’s lawyers
Lecture of Cornelius Nolen about US lawyers experience
Lecture of Peter Kovesh about the experience of lawyers in Hungary
Practical exercise “Criticism and Feedback: Austin the Butterfly”
The participation in second stage of the “Tomorrows Lawyer” program is opened! Want to join the community and become a member? Fill out the form and familiarize yourself with the program’s rules by the link.
“Tomorrow’s Lawyer” is the first all-Ukrainian professional development program for lawyers aimed at strengthening soft skills. It was prepared by Canadian lawyers and adapted by Ukrainian experts. The Program was developed during 2016-2017 with the support of The Quality and Accessible Legal Aid Project with an expert contribution from the Canadian Bar Association. In 2018, the “Tomorrow’s Lawyer” Program is being implemented by the Ukrainian Bar Association and the Bar Association of Legal Aid Providers, with the support of the United States Embassy and The Quality and Accessible Legal Aid in Ukraine Project funded by the Government of Canada and implemented by the Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE).