* Questions marked with this symbol are mandatory.
Dear candidate,
To apply for the “Tomorrow’s Lawyer” Program, please fill in the questionnaire.
The Program is open for applications 25 January 2019 by 23:59, Kyiv time.
Eligible for participation are lawyers admitted to practice law in Ukraine.
Please note that by submitting the application you provide your consent to the processing of your personal data in the internal database of the “Tomorrow’s Lawyer” program, in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.
Before filling out the online application, first carefully read the list of questions below. The answers will require your careful attention and time.
We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following guidelines before completing the form:
- Description of the “Tomorrow’s Lawyer” Program;
- Terms of participation in the “Tomorrow’s Lawyer” Program;
- Recommendations for filling in the questionnaire;
By filling out and sending the questionnaire, you acknowledge your commitment to comply with these Rules.
Some answers are limited by the number of characters – up to 500. We will be grateful for your brief and insightful answers.
You will be informed of the results to your e-mail. We reserve the right not to explain to the candidates the reasons for refusal.
The final results of the selection will be announced on 5 February, 2019.
If necessary, candidates shall be prepared to attend a life interview or Skype interview during the period from 28 January to 4 February 2019.
The “Tomorrow’s Lawyer” Program provides participants with educational materials, accommodation and nutrition during the training modules. Accommodation: two participants per one room. The participant of the Program shall independently arrange for his/her travel to the training venue, this cost being a personal contribution to the Program. Travel costs are not covered by the Organizers.
Thank you for your active position. Good luck!
- Your motivation (Tell us about your motivations to participate in the Program (up to 500 symbols)*
- Contact information (Full name)*
- Gender*
- Photo*. Please, insert the link for downloading your high resolution photo (JPEG file, portrait orientation, 600 dpi). To upload a photo, use one of the file sharing services, such as google drive, fex.net. Or send your photo to: info@tomorrowslawyer.org, indicating in the subject of the letter your full name and entitle your photo surname.JPEG. The photo will be used solely for the purposes of creating a database of candidates and further development of the network/community of the “Tomorrow’s Lawyer” Program
- Date of birth*
- Age*
- Address of residence (street, house, apartment, place, district, region, postcode)*
- Region of residence (oblast)*
- Main region of your professional activities (legal practice)*
- Contact telephone (mobile number in +38-code-number format) *
- Skype (for the purposes of potential skype-interview) *
- Links to social media profile*
GENERAL INFORMATION Please tell us about your professional success and achievements. Provide lucid and insightful answers. Please note that each answer in this section is limited to 500 characters. - Year of admittance to the Bar*
- Name of employer, occupation, scope of responsibilities*
- Professional career for the past 5 years (employer, occupation)*
- Professional achievements*
- Participation in professional associations (name, forms of participation, personal achievements)*
- Other public activities (if any)*
- Participation in professional self-government (types of participation, achievements)*
- Additional information you wish to mention (for example, scientific activity, degree, awards, honors, internships, etc.)*
- Information on education (name of higher educational institution, specialization, year of graduation)*
- Articles and publications (please indicate the total number of publications and describe the most important ones; send us a link if possible)
- Foreign languages (indicate the knowledge level: fluent, intermediary, basic)*
- Hobbies*
- Which ideas, thoughts, events and people have inspired you recently and why?*
- Which books have impressed you recently and why?*
- What knowledge and skills you wish to obtain/improve at the Program?*
- Provide particular examples of how you intend to use the knowledge and skills acquired through participation in the Program?*
Your opinion about the Law of Ukraine “On the Bar and Practice of Law” No. 9055
(This section is not binding, but we strongly recommend that you express your opinion and guarantee its confidentiality. We are interested in your personal opinion about the specific provisions or conceptual ideas and your groups in favor or against them.)
- Five significant provisions / conceptual ideas of the Draft law No. 9055 (please specify articles, parts, paragraphs) that you personally support. Briefly justify your opinion.
- Indicate five provisions/conceptual ideas of the Draft Law No.9055 (please specify articles, parts, paragraphs) that you personally do not support. Briefly justify your opinion.
Please indicate one or two persons (no more) who can recommend you to participate in the Program. Please note that there is no need to add a recommendation. If necessary, the Program will contact a person directly.
- Referee 1:*
Full name, occupation and workplace, contact number, e-mail of a person who can recommend you.
- Referee 2:*
Full name, occupation and workplace, contact number, e-mail of a person who can recommend you.
Best wishes,
The team of “Tomorrow’s Lawyer” Program