The Eights Group Has Started The First Module of The Program
On February 9-11, 2018, the eights group (G8) of the “Tomorrow’s Lawyer” Program passed the first module devoted to building effective communication with the client.
The module’s opening was attended by Program Manager Andriy Vyshnevskiy and Denys Bugay, the ex-President of the Ukrainian Bar Association. The module was also attended by the Chair of the Board of the Bar Association of Legal Aid Providers Victoriya Mitko.
During the first module, the participants elaborated such important topics for building attorney-client relations as establishing two-way communication, interviewing and counseling the client, case planning and building strategy in courts with the aim of providing quality legal assistance, the ethics of communication with the client and the duties of the lawyer before the client. Participants also explored the role of lawyer in promoting equal access to justice and learning to manage emotions and stress.
During the module with the participants worked coach Iryna Gluschenkova. The experts of the Program were accompanied by Olga Zhukovska, Volodymyr Sushchenko and Julia Lisova.
The participants shared their impressions on the results of the first module:
“Lawyers devote very little time to self-development. But during this first module, I realized that learning new in order to improve the quality of the legal assistance is necessary and even compulsory. It was very useful to work for three days in the circle of 26 colleagues, from which each of us comes with it a new experience, “— said the member of the group.
“We had the opportunity to act as a lawyer’s client. It is incredibly useful to develop communication skills with the client. Hopefully, we will all be able to fully and qualitatively change our practice using the skills and knowledge from the first module, ” — said the lawyer participating in the Program.
The photo-report is available by the link.
The “Tomorrow’s Lawyer” Program was developed during 2016-2017 with the support of The Quality and Accessible Legal Aid Project with an expert contribution from the Canadian Bar Association. In 2018, the “Tomorrow’s Lawyer” Program is being implemented by the Ukrainian Bar Association and the Bar Association of Legal Aid Providers, with the support of the United States Embassy and The Quality and Accessible Legal Aid in Ukraine Project funded by the Government of Canada and implemented by the Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE).