Graduates Of G3 Shared Their Experience With Students
Graduates of the G3 Group of the “Tomorrow’s Lawyer” Program became speakers at the III All-Ukrainian School “Twists and Turns of the Court Process” organized by the League of Students of the Ukrainian Bar Association.
During the event, lawyers shared their experience with the students. Among the speakers were: Alla Filatova, manager of Filatova Law Office “West-Partner”, Chair of the UBA Branch in Rivne region, Artem Donets, lawyer, managing director of “Donets and Partners”, Alla Shyrant, candidate of judicial sciences, Mykhailo Reizin, lawyer, partner at “Argo” law Firm, Vice Chair – President of the NGO “Anticorruption Entrepreneurial Front”, Yevgen Grishin, trainer of the System of Free Secondary Legal Aid Provision, Edgar Simonyan, manager of “Simonyan and Partners”, acting head of the NGO “Poltava regional centre for the provision of free legal aid”, Alina Sira, managing director of “Alina Sira and Partners”, Kateryna Kovalevska, manager of “Kateryna Kovalevska Law Office” and Ruslan Kravchyshyn, trainer of the System of Free Secondary Legal Aid Provision.
Artem Donets spoke on the role of counsel in criminal proceedings. In addition to the theoretical section, students had the opportunity to try themselves as the defender and prosecutor in a mock trial, using the materials of a criminal case from the practice of his law office.
Students had an opportunity, under the supervision of experienced lawyers, to study materials, build a defence strategy in court, speak with a defending speech, while their colleagues tied try themselves as prosecutors in the court hearing.
Dear participants, the Tomorrow’s Lawyer Program will be happy to receive and share with the entire community of the Program your success stories and professional life events. Please email us at: info@tomorrowslawyer.org.
The “Tomorrow’s Lawyer” Program is an efficient network of lawyers, uniting leaders of the legal profession, who provide legal assistance in accordance with the highest ethical standards, are agents of change in society and leaders in the professional community.
The “Tomorrow’s Lawyer” Program was developed during 2016-2017 with the support of the project “Quality and Accessible Legal Aid in Ukraine” with an expert contribution from the Canadian Bar Association. The “Tomorrow’s Lawyer” Program is being implemented by the Ukrainian Bar Association and the Bar Association of Legal Aid Providers, with the support of the United States Embassy and The Quality and Accessible Legal Aid in Ukraine (QALA) Project funded by the Government of Canada and implemented by the Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE).