Graduates of the Program Comment on Gender Discrimination of Lawyers for Hromadske Radio
What are the manifestations of gender discrimination faced by Ukrainian lawyers?
“Unfortunately, gender stereotypes are still common in Ukraine, particularly in the working environment. The first step to creating a non-toxic atmosphere at work is gender-sensitive communication: communication is free from prejudice, sexism and discrimination” – said presenters Olga Rusina and Oksana Banit in the “Gene of Justice” program on Hromadske Radio.
Tamara Bugaets, a graduate of the second season of the “Tomorrow’s Lawyer” Program, assistant trainer in the third season of the Program and Tetyana Chernysh, a graduate of the Program, member of the public organization “JurFem” shared their comments on discrimination for Hromadske Radio.
The full text of the comment are available on the Ukrainian web-page.
The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not reflect the view of the “Tomorrow’s Lawyer” Program, the Ukrainian Bar Association, the Bar Association of Legal Aid Providers, the Quality and Accessible Legal Aid in Ukraine Project, the Canadian Bureau for International Education, or the Government of Canada and the Law Enforcement Section of the United States Embassy in Ukraine.
Dear participants, the “Tomorrow’s Lawyer” Program will be happy to receive and share with the entire community of the Program your success stories and professional life events. Please email us at: 12info@tomorrowslawyer.org
“Tomorrow’s Lawyer” is a powerful network of lawyers uniting opinion leaders in the legal profession, who provide legal assistance in accordance with the highest ethical standards, act as agents of change in society and leaders in the professional community.
The “Tomorrow’s Lawyer” Program was launched in 2016 and first implemented within the “Quality and Accessible Legal Aid” Project, carried out by the Canadian Bureau for International Education with the support of the Government of Canada in cooperation with the Legal Aid Coordination Centre. It is currently being implemented and developed with the support of the US Embassy’s Law Enforcement Section in Ukraine, the “Tomorrow’s Lawyer” NGO, in partnership with the Ukrainian Bar Association and the Bar Association of Legal Aid Providers.