Tomorrow’s Lawyers Participate In Trainings Conducted Within The System Of Free Legal Aid Provision
The cascade trainings on the development of soft skills and skills of working with vulnerable groups of clients within the System of Free Legal Aid Provision are underway. The trainings are primarily aimed at the employees of Centres for Secondary Legal Aid Provision, who provide counselling and representation of clients’ interests, in particular, victims of domestic violence and gender-based violence, children, ATO soldiers, IDPs and elderly people. Participants and graduates of the “Tomorrow’s Lawyer” Program are among the coaches and instructors of these trainings.
Soft Skills trainings were developed and supported by the “Quality and Accessible Legal Aid in Ukraine” (QALA) Project in partnership with the Coordination Centre for Legal Aid Provision.
Soft skills training is a unique product developed by a team of experts and aimed at developing practical skills of working with vulnerable groups of clients, in particular, establishing effective communication, empathic listening, interviewing and counselling, etc. Also the participants of the trainings learn to take into account ethical and value based principles while working with clients. Such approach serves as a basis for quality legal assistance and protection of human rights.
On May 23-24, such training was organized in Vinnytsa. Tomorrow’s Lawyers Tamara Bugaiets and Roman Shpyrka became trainers of the event.
On May 25-26, trainings were held in Lutsk together with the graduate of the Program Khrystyna Kith, and in Kharkiv trainings for the employees of the Centres for Secondary Legal Aid Provision of Kharkiv and Luhansk regions were conducted by participants of the first hundred of the “Tomorrow’s Lawyer” Program Artem Donets and Denys Lynchevsky.
On May 31 and June 1, trainings were held for the employees of the Centres for Secondary Legal Aid Provision in Mykolayiv and Kherson regions, as well as training in Khmelnytsky, conducted by graduates of the “Tomorrow’s Lawyer” Program Yevgeny Shar and Andriy Sytnikov.
On June, 8 and June, 9 cascade trainings on the soft skills development for the employees of the Centres for Secondary Legal Aid Provision took place in Ivano-Frankivsk, Zakarpattya, Sumy and Chernihiv regions. Tomorrow’s Lawyers Oksana Osudar and Oksana Myskiv became trainers for the participants from Ivano-Frankivsk and Zakarpattya regions. In Sumy, coaches Andriy Mylanych and Roman Shpyrka worked with participants from Sumy and Chernihiv regions.
Dear participants, the Tomorrow’s Lawyer Program will be happy to receive and share with the entire community of the Program your success stories and professional life events. Please email us at: info@tomorrowslawyer.org.
The “Tomorrow’s Lawyer” Program is an efficient network of lawyers, uniting leaders of the legal profession, who provide legal assistance in accordance with the highest ethical standards, are agents of change in society and leaders in the professional community.
The “Tomorrow’s Lawyer” Program was developed during 2016-2017 with the support of the project “Quality and Accessible Legal Aid in Ukraine” with an expert contribution from the Canadian Bar Association. The “Tomorrow’s Lawyer” Program is being implemented by the Ukrainian Bar Association and the Bar Association of Legal Aid Providers, with the support of the United States Embassy and The Quality and Accessible Legal Aid in Ukraine (QALA) Project funded by the Government of Canada and implemented by the Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE).