Date 15.03.2019 - 17.03.2019
Location Puscha Congress Hotel, Kyiv
Registration Registration Form
Category of participants Participants of Group 10

Module 1 – Attorney-Client Relations, Group 10, Kyiv

On March 15-17, 2019, 10th group of the third hundred of the Tomorrow’s Lawyer Program starts training in the development of soft skills on the topic of “Attorney-Client Relations” within the first module of the Program.

The program of the first module was improved by its trainer and experts with the participation of the Program team based on participants’ surveys in 2017 and 2018. The first module is devoted to an important topic of attorney-client relations. After all, lawyer’s engagement starts with communication with the client, thus it must be effective.

The trainer of this module is Svitlana Savchuk, a certified business coach with 15 years of experience in the field of business education. Trainer’s assistant is a graduate of Season I of the Program, lawyer Lyudmyla Hrytsenko, certified soft skills trainer and Free Legal Aid coach. Lyudmila passed a training for trainers (TT) on developing skills of working with vulnerable groups of FLA clients, organized by the “Quality and Accessible Legal Aid in Ukraine” (QALA) Project together with the Coordination Center for Legal Aid Providing.

The group’s expert is Victoria Mitko, Chair of the Board of the Bar Association of Legal Aid Providers (BALAP).

During the module, lawyers will develop the following skills and knowledge:

  • Expectations management and dual communication. Interview with a client and explaining the role of a lawyer.
  • The ethics of communication with the client, the duties of the lawyer before the client.
  • Providing advice to client and reporting.
  • Managing emotions and stress.
  • The role of lawyer in promoting equal access to justice.